April 14 – May 1, 2016
Karl is dying on the cancer ward. His fifth wife and estranged son show up, hurt and angry. It's time for a family meeting. . . .
Written by Madeline Leong, MD
Produced by Galen Theater Director: Brent Englar Stage Manager: Brian S. Kraszewski Sound Design: Adam Kunsberg CAST: Dr. Rachel Li: Elizabeth Ung Karl Evans: Rodney Bonds Lori Evans: Ann Turiano Pembroke Evans: Eric Paul Boelsche Life Support was made possible by a generous grant from the Arnold P. Gold Foundation. |
I met Madeline in 2012, when I was directing a new-play-development program for the Mobtown Players and she submitted a script, Stage IV, based on her experiences as a young doctor in Baltimore. Mobtown eventually produced Stage IV, and Madeline and I kept in touch. In September of 2015, she contacted me for advice on producing another play she had written, Life Support, to be performed in several venues at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. Madeline's goal was to help spark a conversation between medical professionals and the general public about palliative care. After reading the script, I offered to direct.
This webpage briefly chronicles the world-premiere production of Life Support, which ran from April 14 to May 1, 2016, at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, the Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, and the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing. If you would like to learn more about Life Support or license the script for production, please contact Madeline Leong. |
Stages of Acceptance (Hopkins Dome, 3/24/16) Life Support Brings Medical Theatre to a Comedic Light (What Weekly, 4/4/16) Hopkins Doctor Debuts Play about End-of-Life Decisions (Baltimore Sun, 4/13/16) The Art-Science Crossover, or Lessons Learned by a Doctor/Playwright (HowlRound, 4/27/16) Before I Die in Baltimore, MD PROGRAM
All photos by Jim Corey